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Blueassist Medical Alarm Units Available to Purchase or Rent Online

Are you or one of your loved ones in need of a user-friendly personal medical alarm solution?

Did you know you can order our Blueassist in-home life safety units direct from our website?

You can rent or purchase a Blueassist personal emergency response system by visiting our Blueassist In-Home page and submitting an order form online.

Blueassist is an ideal medical alarm solution for those living at home or in care who may need their carers, neighbours, family members, or emergency services alerted immediately in an emergency.

Consisting of a base unit and a pendant or wrist-watch style alarm, Blueassist allows the wearer to activate their alarm anywhere in their home or backyard. The user-friendly system is designed to plug-and-play, and its 3G capability means the unit does not rely on a landline telephone connection to work.

Also available is a fall detector pendant for those at risk of falls, such as the very elderly, or those with epilepsy.

Order your Blueassist unit online or contact us to find out more on 1300 731 716.

