Integrated and centralised solutions to revolutionise aged care facilities
Nurse call and messaging systems in aged care shape the core platforms that help keep our elderly and frail citizens safe and secure.
Blueforce collaborates with aged care providers to ensure the design, function and workflow of their systems are tailored to the needs of residents as well as staff.
Our wide range of technology integrations include:
IP Nurse Call
Staff Duress
LED & LCD Annunciators
WiFi/Wireless DECT Systems
Pocket Pagers
BYO Smart Devices
Access Control
In-Room Optical Sensors
Real Time Location Systems (RTLS)
We also provide customised technology integrations such as messaging systems, CCTV, access control, intercoms, duress, dementia resident monitoring and Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS).
Our specially designed products and services suit all facilities, including hospitals, specialised nursing homes, independent living facilities, hostels, retirement homes and lifestyle villages.
Blueforce can provide a unique technology solution that drives your operational efficiencies, so your staff can concentrate on what they do best – caring for your customers.
To achieve a holistic design and meaningful outcomes for your facility, contact us and speak to one of our aged care specialists today.