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Critical / Duress

Every second saved during the response to a duress incident is vital

Over the past 10 years the incidence of both verbal and physical attack on staff who deal with the public has increased. Many still depend on difficult to reach wall-mounted fixed duress points, basic wireless pendants or mobile phones.

Regardless of whether they are operating within a building, campus environment, the wider community, or in remote locations, there is a clear need for at-risk staff to immediately raise a duress alarm (also known as a personal, panic or man-down alarm) and notify others of their situation.

Blueforce’s range of Next Generation Duress and Mobile Duress systems lead the field in providing several technological enhancements that basic systems do not support. These features significantly reduce response times and improve efficiency by ensuring accurate information arrives immediately to those who need to know.

Find out more about how Blueforce can help keep your staff safe at work.